Current offers at Mercedes-Benz Laval.

Offers that are updated regularly.

Mercedes-Benz Laval offers regularly updated offers on all its vehicles and services. At Mercedes-Benz Laval, offering more is at the heart of our philosophy and mission. This includes giving you more for your money.

At Mercedes-Benz Laval, we surpass your expectations at every visit, whether it is through the quality of our service or through current offers on all our services, new vehicles, and pre-owned vehicles.

You will find discounts on the purchase of certain new vehicles and certified pre-owned vehicles, as well as reduced interest rates. Our offers are updated every month, so feel free to visit this section regularly to find out more. You can also contact us directly.

Our current offers also include discounts on our services and products at our after-sales service department, as well as offers on our genuine Mercedes-Benz parts and accessories. Our current offers are even available on our Mercedes-Benz Vans.